the States and confirmed by Rodolphus his letters Patents they choſe ſixe perſons out of ſeverall Lordsſhips (two Barons, with as many Knights, and Citizens) to conſult jointly what was beſt to be done in this time of their enemies inſolence. But preſently there arrived an injunction in Cæſars name, that neither the Governours ſhould attempt to call any together, neither ſhould any man who was called, dare to appear, and if any did contrary to this command, they ſhould bee guilty of high treaſon, and that Cæſar would not acknowledge any man the Governour of his Kingdome but himſelf.
2. Notwithſtanding the Major part of the States met, and when as new prohibitions and threatnings were ſpread abroad, and thoſe States were certified by ſufficient proofs, that the thunderbolts were not brought from Vienna (where Cæſar had his reſidence) but forg’d in, and ſhot from the Caſtle of Prague by the Deputies: Their wronged patience was ſuddenly changed into ſeverity, and being guarded with a great troup, they go up to the Caſtle and apprehending Smeczaniuis, and Slawata, the chiefe authours of theſe troubles, they throw them headlong out of the Caſtle windowes, together with their ſecretary Philip Fabricius, who was privy to all their deſigns. This indeed was done raſhly, and without mature deliberation, but they were engag’d to it by a proteſtation made againſt