6. In the mean time Mathias Dies, and the Bohemians with the Moravians, Sileſians, and Luſations conſult whether Ferdinand who wa ſo open an enemy both of their Religion and Liberties, and rather obtruded on them by ſubtilty, than choſen by their free conſent, and who had intermedled with their affaires, while Matthias was yet living, contrary to his own Letters Patents, ſhould bee admitted to the Crown, and at laſt conclude that hee ſhould not fucceed. Whereupon they ſend Embaſſadors to Franckford where the Electors were aſſembled for the choice of a new Emperour) to ſignifie this, and to deſire that Ferdinand might not bee admitted among them by the name of King of Bohemia, whom they would not acknowledge for their King. But this was in vaine, for hee was admitted and afterward choſen Emperour, the Bohemians in the mean time electing Fredericke Count Palatine for their King.
I. THoſe of the League being provoked by this, are hurried into furie, and raiſing greater forces, ruſh againe into Bohemia under Maximilian