Commiſsaries, whereof I will give you one or two inſtances.
2. Amongſt thoſe Commiſſaries of Reformation that were named in the Country of the Slanenſians and Litomeritians, George Michna was one, who having a troope of horſe went about the Cities; Aſsoone as he came to Slana on Saint Katharines day with his Guard, he enters into the Church, and there he beheld their Miniſter and Deacon Mr. John Kapillius, a learned man, and a man of a fervent ſpirit reading the Goſpell, and ſendeth one of his Souldiers to bid him deſiſt, but he notwithſtanding perſiſting, he himſelfe goes to him, and having his ſword drawn cries out aloud to him, Thou fooliſh Preacher leave off your babling; and withall daſheth the Bible out of his hands with his ſword. The Miniſter with eyes hands and voyce lift unto Heaven, repeatteth often, Woe, woe, unto you, whe neither enter into heaven your ſelves, and forbid thoſe that would enter, woe, woe, woe be to you. but thoſe words were made a mock off, and preſently they layd hands on him, and he was taken and thruſt this way and that way. When againe he ſaid. But I for the name of my Lord Jeſus Chriſt am ready to ſuffer all this and whatſoever elſe. Some of thoſe caitiffes repeated thoſe words of my Lord Jeſu, my Lord Jeſu in ſcorn and deriſion, caſt the words back againe and we have a Lord even Cæſar. In the meane while the people