Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/20

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The Hiſtory of

2. Drahomira therefore laid aſide her Government, but not her hatred and bloody imaginations againſt the Chriſtians which did firſt break out againſt that holy Matron Ludomilla for when ſhe perceived that Wenceſlaus did favour Ludomilla more then her ſelfe, who was his mother, and by that meanes the Chriſtian religion was much promoted, ſhe did ſeek, til at laſt ſhe found fitting inſtruments to accompliſh her cruelty, which were Juhuman, & Cuman, who were men of the higheſt nobility and of impudent audacity, who being ſent forth by Drahomira in the night, they found out the holy widdow intent at her praiers, in her Oratory; they break in, and break down, and robbing the vail from her head, they ſtrangled her, her jawes being open; there were ſome who did inflame Wenceſlaus (who was exceedingly diſturbed for the death of his Grandmother) to revenge that cruelty, or if hee would be wanting, they deſired Commiſſion for to do it themſelves: but he gravely tebuked all of them, in regard they did perſwade him to do that which is contrary to that duty which is owed to any mother, and contrary to the modeſty and patience of a Chriſtian, not remembring what the Lord ſayeth, vengeance is mine, and I will retribute it.


The Martyrdome of Wenceſlaus, Podivinius, and others.
