with theſe eies, hear him with theſe eares, praiſe him with this mouth, rejoice with this heart for ever.
3. When the Miniſter Roſacius returned into the Court from the execution of the L. Dworzeski, (others in the mean time bearing the Lord de Bile company) the Lord Otto like one in anextaſie aroſe haſtily out of his ſeat, and ſpoke theſe words to him: Oh how do I rejoyce at thy comming, O man of God, that I may with joy relate unto you, what now hath hapned to me. I ſatein this ſeat troubled within my ſelf becauſe it had not been my fortune to have a Miniſter of my acquaintance, who might adminiſter abſolution and the Euchariſt unto me, I began to grieve, and indeed I do grieve, that I was not preſent at your holy myſteries. Amongſt theſe thoughts I fell aſleep, and behold my Saviour appeared unto me, who ſaid: My grace is ſufficient for thee: for I purifie thee with my bloud. And then infuſed a drop of his bloud into my heart, at the feeling of this, I awaked and leaped for joy. And now beleeve that I feel a wonderfull refreſhing in my heart. And then he added with his hands lifted up: I give thee thankes moſt mercifull Saviour, who hath beene pleaſed to fill mee with ſo much comfort, and to aſſure me ſo much of thy grace! Now I underſtand what that is, Beleeve and thou haſt eaten. Oh now I feare death no longer! I will die with joy.
4. Being preſently called out by the Sheriffe, hee