Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/247

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The Bohemian Perſecution.


Dioniſius Czervins de Cludezitz.

BEing converſant in ſsars Court for many years he had addicted himſelf to the Popiſh Religion. The crime which was laid to his Charge was, that when hee was Captaine of the Kings Caſtle, hee let into the Caſtle the armed States of that firſt tumult, (in the yeare 1618.) But this was onely a pretence. For hee demonſtrated that it was done by the command of the chief Burgrave, whom he was bound to obey, and by that means ſufficiently cleared himſelfe. But becauſe for his moderate counſells alwayes prejudicial to the Ieſuits, he lay under ſuſpicion of hereſie (which afterwards was manifeſt) it was thought fit that on this occaſion hee ſhould bee taken out of the way. But chiefly they hoped that upon this account their whole proceſſe ſhould bee made leſſe obnoxious to ſuſpicion, as if it were not carried on againſt religion, when as they ſpared not the Catholics themſelves.

2. When Mr. Roſacius adminiſtred the Euchariſt to the Lord Harans, and Kunetzchlumskie, and and for a preparation exhorted them to repoſe the hope of their ſalvation in the mercy of God, and merits of Chriſt, and related the promiſes made to the

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