Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/25

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

Latine tongue in the Ordinances, the unmarriageable eſtate of the Clergy, and the maiming of the Euchariſt by debarring the people of the cup in that Sacrament. Of which it will not be tedious or in vain here to recite what we find expreſſed in our Annals; becauſe they were the firſt incitements unto the Bohemians and as it were the firſt ſparks, which afterward (in the time of Huſſe) burſt out into open flame.

2. In the yeare 965 when Boleſlaus Pius had founded Epiſcopacy at Prague, was choſen Biſhop, and confirmed by Hatto Arch-Biſhop of Maguntium, Dethmar the Saxon then Pope of Rome, inſtituted a form of Church-government, expreſſely charging that none ſhould any whit decline from the rites ceremonies and Roman canting, by him preſcribed; which the Bohemians took very ill, for that the uſe of their native language was taken from them. Now therefore Dethmar the the Biſhop ſhortly after dying in the ſame year,and Woytich his ſucceſſours having freed Rome from the whirle wind of perſecution; two of the Clergy Bolehoſt and Miſtibor with four others viz. Krzwan, Roſiſlaw, Waymire, aud Iarek, were ſent to Rome unto the Pope in the year 977, for to act with him both for the return of the Biſhop, and reſtoring unto them the uſe of their mother tongue, in the Ordinances, who (as the Annals tell us) did both obtain their deſires of the Pope, and had ſent them from the biſhop a form of prayers writ in their natural lan-
