Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/257

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

from Vienna to Prague, he wrote on the priſon wals the letters, I . M . M . M . M, which when after his departure many read, and could not underſtand, Ferdinand at length entring, did thus interpret them: Imperator Matthias Menſe Martio Morietur, The Emperour Matthias ſhall die in the moneth of March. And taking a piece of chalke, writ alſo a Propheſie, Jeſſenius Mentiris Mala Morte Morieris, Jeſsenius thou lieſt, thouſhalt die an evill death. Jeſſenius remembring theſe things, addded: As I did not lie (for Matthias deceaſed the ſame moneth) ſo without doubt, Ferdinand will doe his endeavour, that it may not be ſaid he was a falſe prophet: as it after was effected.

3. Having heard his heavy ſentence, he ſaid: You uſe us too cruelly and diſgracefully: but know, that ſome will not be wanting who ſhall bury our heads, which you ignominiouſly expoſe for a ſpectacle. Which was done in the yeare 1631. when after Guſtavus his victory at Leipſick, the Elector of Saxony entring Bohemia with his Army, tooke Prague: the Martyrs heads were taken from the Tower on the bridge, by the Count of Thurne, with the Electors leave, and were in a ſolemne manner brought into the Church ad Latum Curium, with great concourſe of Nobility, People and Miniſters, returned from baniſhment, and after a Sermon in commemoration of the Martyrs, they were delivered to certaine men to
