Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/33

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

5. We find it alſo recorded, that this Pariſian, his death approaching, amongſt others gave this comfort to his friends: The rage of the enemies of truth hath now prevailed againſt us; but this ſhall not be alwaies; for an ignoble people ſhall ariſe without ſword or power, over whom they ſhall not be able to prevaile. Which Propheſie where and when it hath bin fulfilled, we ſhall hereafter acquaint you.

Chap. VIII.

John Huſſe and Ierom of Prague with ſome other Martyrs.

1. IN the year 1392, Mulhaymia, called the Temple of Bethlehem, was founded by a Citizen of Prague, and was to be dedicated unto the Academy, by the name of a Chappell ; whereunto Mr. Stephanus of Colon was firſt admitted Preacher: but he dying in the year 1400. Mr. John Huſſe was conſtituted his Succeſſour, Profeſſor in the Academy, a man of an unblameable life, and famous for his zeale.

2. And foraſmuch as he had long before, that all orders were diſſolute, and none did his office, the King, Biſhop, Citizen, Clergy, Nobles; onely purſuing covetouſnes, pride, drunkenneſſe, luxury, and all manner of wickedneſſe, having an occaſion put into his hands as from above, he ſet upon the worke pub-

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