Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/359

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

was kept in priſon, becauſe there was no body found who might take the charge of his accounts a delay being alwayes made for ſome fained reaſon or other, the good man perceiving himſelf abuſed, and fearing ſome deviliſh ſnares, laid in a certain place with letters of Proteſtations, and thoſe bookes of account, and in the year 1625. betook himſelf into a neighbouring Town called Brundus, upon Orliſen, a Town of Charles Lord of Zeratin, where hitherto Religion had been profeſſed; but being by craft removed from thence, was caſt into priſon, and not ſuffered to depart, before he changes Religion, although he did patiently indure his impriſonment for three whole yeares, and often deſired to be baniſhed, yet his adverfaries more and more by degrees endeavoured to ſhake his conſtancy; at length they deviſed a priſon upon the water, very narrow, and not above a Cubit and a halfe in length, that ſo when he lay down, he could by no meanes lay himſelf at length, and they had provided ſo, that if he ſhould turn himſelf unawares, he muſt then fall into the water underneath, and be dipt: now it was winter-time, and he himſelf was ſick of the Gout, and no body was admitted to come to him, except ſome inſtruments of the Devill, who ſhould tempt him to turne, he being

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