Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/374

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The Hiſtory of

Chap. CIIII.

George Balthaſar Martyr.

I. THis appendix of the former chapter (ſhewing how the perſecutors dealt with the common people) will be a Hiſtory famous to poſterity. In the year 1629. the fifth day of May, two and twenty country men were brought captives from the village of Zlonice into the City of Slana ſinging with a pleaſant voyce, and triumphant hymnes about the reſurrection of Chriſt; it was brought in as a matter of charge againſt them, that having before turned Catholicks, they returned to Hereſie, and miniſtred to themſelves holy things. Being ſent into ſeveral priſons, they were forthwith brought to examination: the Chieftain of theſe was ſaid to be one George Balthaſar, an inhabitant in the village of Tmanus, who had no learning, and yet was a preacher among them: his Maſter therefore Bohuchwal Walkaun having a little before turned Apoſtate (leaſt that he ſhould draw upon himſelf ſars anger, or evill ſurmizes, accuſeth him in a letter written to the Senate of Slana, and therein requires that juſtice ſhould be done upon ſuch a Rebellious fellow. The Senate having ſummoned this man to appear, cauſeth this writing to be read by the Solicitor, and asked what he would give in by
