from towne to towne teaches the word of God: untill the time that he was called to Conſtance, to give an account of Doctrine, receiving letters of ſafety from the Emperour: Hiſtories report, how he was there handled by the Romiſh Councell, to witte, in the yeare 1415. The 6 of Iuly, Huſſe, in the yeare 1416 the 30 of May Ierom were burnt. Conſult the book, of Martyrs.
Chap. IX.
All Bohemia condemned.
1. THe adverſaries were not ſatisfied with their blood, but ſuddainly took bloody Councell for the deſtruction of the whole nation: for when the chiefe nobles of bohemia 58 in number, in the name of the whole Comonalty in the yeare 1416 the 2 of September, ſent letters from Prague ſubſcribed with their own hands, ard ſigned with their own ſeals, to the Councel, complaining & expoſtulating that their Paſtor, an innocent and holy man, a faithfull teacher of the truth was unjuſtly condemned, the Synod did not anſwer them, neither did they anſwer the Nobility of Moravia, which complained of like matters in letters of their own, but the Councell writ to the perſons who were beſotted with the Romiſh ſuperſtition men in eminency namely Iohn of Mecklesburg, Alſiſcopeck of Dubba, Alburt of Colditz, intreating and obteſt-