Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/56

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The Hiſtory of

the Pope and Emperour, did kindle new flames of diſſention, and did ſtir up the hatred of the people againſt the profeſſors of the pure doctrine, traducing them by the hatefull name of Piccardines; for you are to underſtand that they called the Waldenſes by a nick-name, Piccardines, who not long before being forced from France, did fit down in Auſtria, and were now famous for the infamy of the fouleſt of Hereticks: So diſtractedly did diſorder & confuſion mannage al things, I told you before how zealous Zealine was made ſhorter by the head. There were alſo ſome found, who ſo poſſeſſed Ziſca, Commander in chief of the Thaborites, that he ſhould unite himſelf with the Calixtines, who were only and altogether for the Cup, and perſecute the Piccardines, as he did the Papiſts, with fire and ſword.

2. In the year 1427, the Adminiſtrators themſelves of the Conſiſtory of Prague, Mr. Przibram, and Mr. Procopius de Pelſna, being at that time Chancellour of the Univerſity, with Peter de Mladoniowitz, and Dr. Krzoſtan a Phyſitian, were firſt impriſoned, and afterward baniſhed for the profeſſion of the pure doctrine. It was no wonder indeed, if the intreſts of Rome, and her Agents had not utterly diſſolved them, ſo diſagreeing amongſt themſelves: but the wonderfull goodneſſe of God did otherwiſe diſpoſe it, which knew ſo wiſely to temper the folly of men, that neither friends nor foes had any place left for the glory of
