George Bowles his Testimony Concerning Thomas Ellwood.
Dear Friends,
It is in my Heart briefly, on this Occaſion, to commemorate the tender Dealings of the Lord with his People in this latter Age of the World, when it hath pleaſed him, in Love to poor loſt Man, graciouſly to appear, by the breaking forth of his Glorious Goſpel Day. And by the ſecret divine Reaches of the Hand of God, which hath been felt and ſeen in the Light of it, many have been drawn in their Spirits to ſeek after the Lord, and to enquire after the Knowledge of the Way of Life and Salvation; and bleſſed be his Holy Name, who was graciously pleaſed, by the Inſbinings of this Divine Light in the Hearts of many, to expel the Darkneſs and rend the Vail. And then was the Arm of his mighty Power made bare, for the gathering many Thousands to the ſaving Knowledge of Himſelf. And in that Day was the Lord pleaſed according to his Promiſe, to pour forth of his Spirit upon Sons and upon Daughters; yea, upon Servants and upon Handmaids, and many were made to Propheſie; and being qualified by the Holy Spirit, which they received, and were baptized by it into his Name, became willing, and were freely given up in Obedience to the Lord, and in Bowels of tender Love to the Souls of Mankind, in his Power, to preach the Gospel of Life and Salvation to thoſe to whom they were ſent, and ma-