Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/362

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ably as it at the same time treats any other petroleum which may be delivered to its own trunk line division or to any other through carriers.

Second.—The transit company agrees that all petroleum brought to the Atlantic seaboard by all existing carriers, whether rail or pipe, now engaged in transporting such property, or which may hereafter engage in such transportation in conjunction with the transit company's pipe-lines, shall be ascertained monthly, and so much of it as shall have been shipped in the refined state shall be reduced to its equivalent in crude oil by considering that one and three-tenths (l310) gallons of crude are required to make one (1) gallon of refined oil. It further undertakes and agrees that if of the total so transported the railroad company shall not have moved in its cars twenty-six (26) per centum thereof, the transit company shall cause to be delivered to cars furnished by the railroad company at Milton, Pa., such quantity of crude petroleum as shall, when added to the amount which has been actually transported by the railroad company to the seaboard in said month, make the total transported by the railroad company in said month equal to said twenty-six (26) per centum.

The railroad company agrees to furnish the needful cars and facilities, and promptly transport the oil which the transit company agrees in this contract to deliver to it at Milton:

Provided, That if during any month the railroad company is not able to assign from its oil equipments a sufficient number of cars to the traffic of the transit company to move the proportion of oil herein provided to be delivered at Milton, then during that month the transit company shall only be required to so deliver to the railroad company such quantity of oil as the railroad company shall be able to transport, and shall not be required to make up any deficiency that may occur during said month.

Efforts shall be made by the transit company to deliver so much during each month as will probably be necessary to make the total carried by the railroad company equal to said percentage.

Shortages, if not due to short supply of cars, and such excesses as may be found to have occurred in any month, shall be adjusted in the following month, or as soon afterwards as shall be possible.

Third.—It is agreed that the proportion of petroleum which the transit company is to deliver under the second section of this agreement shall be considered as petroleum transported from Coalgrove, Pa., via Milton, Pa., to the Atlantic seaboard, and that the railroad company shall be entitled to one-half of the current through rates thereon.

It is agreed that whenever the through rates shall be so low that the railroad company shall suspend the movement of oil by its cars, at other points than Milton, the transit company shall during such suspension not be bound to deliver to the railroad company any oil at Milton.

[ 310 ]