Page:The History of the Standard Oil Company Vol 2.djvu/364

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been accomplished, and shall become void and of no effect upon the day this contract goes into operation.

Eighth.—This contract shall take effect as of the first day of August, 1884, and shall continue until terminated under the provisions hereof. It may be terminated after August 1, 1889, by either party hereto giving ninety days' written notice to the other of a desire that it shall end, at the expiration of which notice it shall cease and determine.

In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement under their corporate seals the day and date above written.


The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

By Frank Thomson, Second Vice-President.

Attest: John C. Sims, Jr., Secretary.


The National Transit Company.

By C. A. Griscom, President.

Attest: John Bushnell, Secretary.

Memorandum of agreement, made this twenty-second day of August, 1884, between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, hereinafter designated the railroad company, and the National Transit Company, hereinafter designated the transit company.

Witnesseth: That for considerations mutually interchanged the parties hereto hereby agree with each other as follows:

Whereas, The parties hereto have made an agreement of even date herewith, in which, among other things, it is stipulated that under certain circumstances the transit company shall deliver certain crude petroleum into cars furnished by the railroad company at Milton, Pa.; and

Whereas, It has been proposed that the railroad company shall contract with the transit company to the effect that the transit company shall transport through its pipe-lines the aforesaid crude oil, which, under the other contract aforesaid, it has undertaken to deliver into the cars of the railroad company at Milton.

Now, therefore, this agreement witnesseth:

First.—The railroad company agrees that instead of delivering said crude oil to said cars at Milton, the transit company shall transport the same through its pipes to destination, and the transit company undertakes and agrees to do such transportation. It is mutually agreed that the compensation to the transit company for doing said work shall be as follows:

Whenever the through rate for transporting a barrel of crude petroleum from Olean

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