The i. boke of Moſes.
The ij. & iij. Chap.
Fo. ij.
hauynge their owne ſede in them ſelues, euery one after his kynde. And God ſawe that it was good. Then of the euenynge + mornynge was made the thirde daye.
[1]And God ſayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heuen, to deuyde the daye frō the night, that they maye be vnto tokēs, ſeaſons, dayes, and yeares.[2] And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to ſhyne vpon the earth: And ſo it came to paſſe. And God made two greate lightes: one greater light to rule the daye, and a leſſe lighte to rule the night, and(he made) ſtarres alſo.[3] And God ſet them in the firmament of heauen, yt they mighte ſhyne vpō earth, and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God ſawe that it was good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fourth daye. CAnd God ſayde: let the waters brynge forth creatures that moue and haue life, + fowles for to flye aboue the earth vnder the firmamēt of heauen.[4] And God created great ſe whalles, and all maner of creatures that lyue and moue, which the waters brought forth euery one after his kynde: and all maner of fethered fowles, euery one after his kynde. And God ſawe that it was good, and bleſſed them, ſayenge: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the ſees, and let the foules multiplie vpon the earth. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the fifth daye. And God ſayde: let ye earth brynge forth lyuynge ſoules, euery one after his kynde: catell, wormes, + what as hath life vpon earth, euery one after his kynde. And ſo it came to paſſe. And God made ye beaſtes of the earth euery one after his kynde, and catell after their kynde, and all maner wormes of the earth after their kynde. And God ſawe that it was good. D |