Page:The House Without Windows.djvu/43

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The Meadow

near to where she had left him, on the edge of the meadow. Then what did she see in the snow but footprints--human footprints! Chippy's little tracks had started back in the direction of the burrow, but the strange footprints came towards his and overtook them--and at that point his suddenly left off. Then she discovered the others going down the hill again. It was only too clear--Chippy had been captured!

Eepersip sat down in the snow and wept. But suddenly she straightened up and became herself again. Why not follow those footprints down the hill and get her Chippy back? With a hopeful heart she dashed down, following the tracks. But she came into a small village, where she was afraid of being caught. She could not go on; so she went back.

Another idea! Why not follow the footprints some night, when there were not so many people around, and when, even if there were, she would not be seen so easily? But there the question of being able to see the footprints in the dark. No, that would be impossible: the only thing to do would be to wait. For what, Eepersip had not the slightest idea.

The name of the people who had captures the chipmunk was Brunio. Mr. Brunio and his little