Page:The Hunterian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London, on the fourteenth day of February, 1821 (electronic resource) (IA b21483851).pdf/100

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of Medical Science unextinguished and pure; and who have, for three centuries, continued to reflect honour on this na- tion, by members eminent. for learning, great in science, and distinguished by the first excellence im professional at- tainments. Having enjoyed in our Uni- versities the highest means of cultivation that are provided for the human intel- lect, and then devoting themselves to the study and practice of medicine; these enlightened persons are most wisely and beneficially appoimted the consti- tutional guardians of the public health; and we feel it an happiness to unite with them in our endeavours to miti- gate the pains of disease; to convey consolation and hope into the chambers