Page:The Hunterian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London, on the fourteenth day of February, 1821 (electronic resource) (IA b21483851).pdf/110

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of Mr. Hunter, and continuéd, during the whole of a long and meniorable life; to be the. minificent promioter of evety branch of scientific research.

Nor must the presence, on this oc: casion; of that distinguished philosopher who has been. recently called fo fill the chair of the Royal Society; prevent our acknowledging with grateful respect, the benefits which humanity arid sciéhce, and especially Medical Science, havé recéived from those splendid discovéries which his talents have effected, from the further enquiries those discoveries have sug- gested, and the elucidations they havé in various instances afforded: Neither can we pass unnoticed the merits of Baron Cuvier, the remaining’ Honorary