Page:The Hunterian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London, on the fourteenth day of February, 1821 (electronic resource) (IA b21483851).pdf/132

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repulsive to the Force of Disposition; damps aspiring Spirit; and reduces the loftiest Conceptions to the Standard of Equality.

On the contrary, Governments, comprehending constitutional Monarchy, are productive of lofty Ideas, of emulative Energy: whence the Developement of Disposition; the various Distinctions in Society, acquired by Learning, Talent, and Improvement of the Arts, and Sciences: or conferred by the Sovereign, as expressive of national Benefit, and Honour; and such, we are assured, are the Grounds of that Distinction, which this College owes to the discriminating Bounty of its Royal Patron.

France had the Credit of bearing the Palm of Surgery, under her most despotic Dynasty.

Hunter, unmoved by national Vicissitudes, calmly drew aside the Veil spread over animal Creation; expounded the Laws of organic