Page:The Hunterian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London, on the fourteenth day of February, 1821 (electronic resource) (IA b21483851).pdf/210

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Has the knowledge of the universal inosculation of arteries, and of their dilatation in the ratio of their diameters, under certain impressions of ne- cessity, been extended far beyond aneurismal sub- jects?

Has such knowledge been applied to the correction of morbid disposition ; and to the removal of its con- sequences, as expressed by tamours of various descriptions?

The power vested in animal life, of accommo- dation to the variable influence of atmospheric heat, requires further illustration ; and application to be- neficial purposes.

Haye the observations, relating to inflammation of trunks of veins, and of absorbents, been pursued by remarks on the inflammatory action of myriads of capillary veins, of absorbents; and its consequences on the heart, on the arterial system, and on the blood?

Have the decisive experiments, and observations, on the menstrual power of the gastric liquor, been followed by investigations, with the direct view of �