Page:The Hunterian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London, on the fourteenth day of February, 1821 (electronic resource) (IA b21483851).pdf/34

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course of my own studies,” he says, “1 attended, as diligently’ as the’ generality of students do, one of thé most reputa- ble courses of Anatomy in Europe. There E- Jearned a ‘good’ deal -by ‘my ears, but almost nothing: by: my eyés; and- there- fore, hardly any>thing to the purpose. The defect: was, that the professor was obliged. to. demonstrate’ all the parts of the body, except the bones, neryes,:‘and vessels, upon one dead body. . There was a footus for ‘thé nerves and blood. vessels, and the operations of Surgery were . ex- plained, to very little: purpose indeed, up- ona dog.’ And inthe only course which I attended in London, which was by far — the most reputable -that was given ‘here,

the professor used only two dead bodies �