Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/292

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the Germans were enormous, and almost all their artillery and baggage were captured by the Hussites.[1]

  1. Lawrence of Březova, author of a history of the early part of the Hussite wars which has often been quoted in these pages, wrote a quaint and very interesting Latin ballad on the rout at Domážlice. It is here only possible to quote a few lines. Březova writes of the flight—

    O quam turpe diffugium
    Tam strenuarum gencium:
    Non viso hoste fugere
    Totque cara relinquere
    Suis in fructum hostibus
    Duris atque crudelibus.

    Somewhat later Cardinal Cesarini thus addresses the Pope—

    Tandem illi scismatici
    Gentis Boemie rustici
    Congesserunt exercitum
    Paucum inermem frivolum.
    Mira tunc res peragitur
    Nec ei par conspicitur
    In tota sacra pagina.


    Cum nobis appropinquaret


    Ile malignus populus


    Spes fugit et consilium.
    Terra tremente tremimus,
    Nil nisi fugam querimus,
    Agente hoc dyabolo
    Certe ipsorum domino.

    (Published in “Fontes rerum Bohemicarum,” Vol. V, pp. 545–563.)