Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/21

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prisoner's of war on rotten corn meal and acid pickle, the corn meal ground in 1861, and when fed to the Six Hundred, was filled with bugs and worms. Who was responsible for this cruelty? Let's have the truth and fix the responsibility for this cruelty; that if it was not inflicted by order of the United States Government, she may purge herself of this crime before the world. Let's have the truth that the future historians may be able to place before the world the men guilty of inhumanity to prisoners of war. Find, if it is possible to do so, such an order to feed men on rotten corn meal and acid pickle, in the Records of the Confederate Government, as this order of Stanton, Poster, et al. Read the report of General C. Grover, U. S. A., on condition of the Six Hundred Confederate prisoners of war at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

Headquarters, Dist. of Savannah.
, Ga., Feb. 7, 1865.

Asst. Adjt. General.
Headquarters Department of the South:—

My medical director yesterday inspected the condition of the Rebel prisoners confined at Fort Pulaski, and represents that they are in a condition of great suffering and exhaustion for want of sufficient food and clothing; also, that they