northern campaign. The countries of Huamanca, Jauja, Huanucu, Caxamarca, and Chachapoyas were united to the empire, as well as the coast valleys. Young Tupac also subdued the Cañaris, and extended his conquests to Quito. He then descended to the coast, annexing the country of Manta, with its emeralds, and even making a successful voyage over the Pacific Ocean to the Galapagos Islands.
The end of the great emperor came at last, after a memorable reign of more than half a century. He had his sons and his councillors around him. Addressing Tupac, he said: 'My son, you know how many great nations I leave to you, and you know what labour they have cost me. Mind that you are the man to keep and augment them.' He made his other sons plough furrows and he gave them weapons, in token that they were to serve and to fight for their sovereign. He turned to Tupac saying, 'Care for them, and they will serve you.' He expressed some wishes about his obsequies, ordering that his body should be placed in his palace of Pata-llacta. Then he began to croon in a low and sad voice:
'I was born as a flower of the field,
As a flower I was cherished in my youth,
I came to my full age, I grew old;
Now I am withered and die.'
He told those around him that he went to rest with his father the sun—and so he departed,