Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/129

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They all arrive
At their destined ends,
Whithersoever thou pleasest.
Thy royal sceptre
Thou holdest.
Oh hear me!
Oh choose me!
Let it not be
That I should tire,
That I should die.

One of the hymns is composed as from an aged Inca on his death-bed praying for light and for a knowledge of the Deity.

O creator of men,
Thy servant speaks,
Then look upon him,
Oh, have remembrance of him,
The King of Cuzco.
I revere you, too, Tarapaca.[1]
O Tonapa, look down,
Do not forget me.
O thou noble Creator,
O thou of my dreams,
Dost thou already forget,
And I on the point of death?
Wilt thou ignore my prayer,
Or wilt thou make known
Who thou art?
Thou mayst be what I thought,
Yet perchance thou art a phantom,
A thing that causes fear.

  1. Servants of Uira-cocha, according to Salcamayhua. Sanniento has Tahuapaca. Cieza de Leon alludes to Tuapaca. No other authority mentions them.