Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/296

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took refuge in Vilcapampa. They were hospitably received by the Inca Manco, and treated with the greatest kindness. The Inca was well informed respecting passing events. When he heard that a Viceroy had arrived, named Blasco Nuñez de Vela,[1] with orders to stop the cruelties and robberies of the Spaniards, he resolved to send an embassy offering to assist him. He selected Gomez Perez for this duty, who went to Lima, and returned with a most cordial acceptance of the Inca's offer. But the unfortunate Viceroy was driven out and finally killed by the conquerors under Gonzalo Pizarro very soon afterwards.

This Gomez Perez was a rough, ill-conditioned ruffian with a violent temper. One day he was playing at bowls with the Inca, and became so intolerably insolent that Manco pushed him, saying: 'Begone, and remember to whom you are speaking.' Perez, in a violent passion, seized the wooden ball and gave the Inca such a violent blow that he fell dead. The Indians rushed on the Spaniards, who took refuge in their lodging, defending the entrance with their swords. The Indians then set the house on fire, and all the eight ruffians were shot down with arrows as they ran out from the flames.

The Inca Manco was a worthy representative of his great ancestors. Subjected to a mock coronation and a mock sovereignty by the invaders, as soon as he reached an age of maturity he scorned

  1. Arrived at Lima, May 17, 1544; driven out in October. Killed at Anaquito, January 18, 1546.