Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/422

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Scene 2

Great hall of the palace of Tupac Yupanqui. The Inca seated on golden tiana (C.).

(Enter the High Priest or Uillac Uma, with priests and chosen Virgins of the Sun. The Inca dressed as his father. Uillac Uma in full dress, wearing the huampar chucu. Virgins in white with gold belts and diadems. They range themselves by the throne (L.). Then enter Rumi-ñaui and a crowd of chiefs, all in full dress, ranging themselves by the throne (R.).)

Tupac Yupanqui. This day, Councillors and Chiefs,
Let all receive my benison;
You Holy Virgins of the Sun[1]
Receive our father's tenderest care.
The realm, rejoicing, hails me king;
From deep recesses of my heart
I swear to seek the good of all.
Uillac Uma. To-day the smoke of many beasts
Ascends on high towards the sun,
The Deity with joy accepts
The sacrifice of prayer and praise.

  1. Intic Huamin Caccunan (Intic Huarminca Caycuna, correct), 'Ye women of the Sun.' Zegarra thought, on the authority of Garcilasso de la Vega, that these could not be select Virgins of the Sun, because the virgins were never allowed outside their convent, and not even women might enter. He is clearly wrong. Much higher authorities than Garcilasso, as regards this point, especially Valera, tell us that the virgins were treated with the greatest honour and respect. They took part in great receptions and festivals, and when they passed along the streets they had a guard of honour.