Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/431

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Come to thy mother's yearning heart.

(Embraces Yma Sumac.)

Thou art all my happiness,
My daughter, come, O come to me;
This joy quite inundates my soul,
It is the name I gave to thee.
Yma Sumac. O my mother, to find thee thus!
We must be parted never more.
Do not abandon me in grief.
To whom can I turn to free thee,
To whom can I appeal for right?
Pitu Salla. Make no noise, my dearest friend;
To find us thus would ruin me.
Let us go. I fear the Mothers.
Yma Sumac (to Cusi Coyllur). Suffer a short time longer here,
Until I come to take thee hence,
Patience for a few more days.
Alas! my mother dear! I go,
But full of love, to seek for help.

[Exeunt closing the stone door, all but Cusi Coyllur. They extinguish the torch.

Scene 6

Great hall in the palace of Tupac Yupanqui.

(The Inca discovered seated on the tiana. To him enter the Uillac Uma, in full dress.)

Tupac Yupanqui. I greet thee, great and noble Priest!
Hast thou no news of Rumi-ñaui.
Uillac Uma. Last night, with guards, I wandered out
On heights towards Uilcañuta.