Page:The Indian Antiquary Vol 2.djvu/287

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Simmia, 1873.] MORBI COPPERPLATE. 257

THE MORBI COPPER-PLATE. BY PROP. RAMK^ISHNA GOPAL BHANDARKAR, M.A. BOMBAY. Through the kindness of Major J. W. Wataoa, a loan of this plate was obtained from the Morbi Darbar more than a year ago and a facsimile made, which, however, has only recently been printed. There were two plates a few years ago, bnt the first has gone amissing: it is snpposed that it was lent and never returned. This is greatly to be regretted, as it doubtless gave the genealogy of the royal donor. The date is given in words which interpret the figures for Samvat 585 in the penultimate line: in this the figure 5 is recognisable enough, the vertical stroke with a fine over it for 8, though found elsewhere, is loss usual.—Ed. Transliteration.