268 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. thereof ? 4. Knowing what ought to be known, and submitting thereunto, fearing what ought to be feared, performing every duty so as to satisfy the world, and living io the enjoyment of pleasure according to their means, they who are thus disposed never experience the evils of life. 5. When two persons are friends, mixing without variance, should there be misconduct on the part of one, let the other be patient, as far as he can bear it. If he cannot take it patiently, let him not speak evil, 'but withdraw to a distance. 6. Though another do one evil, if ho say, Well, let it pass, and blame himself, it is good. To give up intimate associates, O lord of the for¬ ests ! is hard even to brutes. 7. O king of the fair hills abounding with hollow-sounding streams ! does not close intimacy with the great arise from the idea that they forgive the griev¬ ous faults that are committed against them? Will friends be wanting to them who do what is good ? 8. Those who are gifled with patience, and who are not so rash as to destroy themselves though withered and famished with hunger, will not declare their misery to those who love them not. They will make it known only to those who-have the power to help them. 9. Let pleasure alone, when thou canst enjoy it, if dis¬ grace attends it. O Lord of the hill country abounding in waters! though pleasure only be constantly regarded, it is preferable to enjoy it in a harmless way. 10. Although he himself be ruined, let not a man think of injuring the wor¬ thy ; let him not eat with whom he should not eat, even though the flesh of his body waste away; let him not speak words intermingled with falsehood, although he get the whole world can¬ opied by the heavens for his reward. Chapter 9.—Not coveting another's wife. 1. Let not the modest man covet another’s wife, since the fear attending that sin is great, the pleasure is of short duration, and if you daily reflect, it renders one liable to the punish¬ ment of death by the king, and it is a sin that daily leads men to hell. 2. To those who covet their neighbours’ wives these four things,— virtue, praise, friendship, and dignity,—will not accrue. To those who covet their neighbours’ wives these four things,—hatred, vengeance, and sin accompanied with fear,—will accrue. 3. What benefit arises from the shamelessly desiring one’s neighbour’s wife ? Since in the going to her there is fear, in going away there [September, 1873. is fear, in the enjoyment itself there is fear, in case the sin be not known there is fear,—it is always productive of fear. 4. Of what matter is that enjoyment, 0 wicked one, which you regard ? Say. Since if you are discovered your family will be dishonoured, if you are caught your leg will be cut off*; while in the act you are in dread, and it will cause ever-enduring anguish in hell. 5. Those who are destitute of everything that is good, and companions of the vile, have habitually sinned with damsels with mole-spotted breasts, and in a former birth have violated by force the wives of others, shall in the next birth be born hermaphrodites and live by dancing. 6. Why should he look with desire upon his neighbour’s wife who, after inquiring about a propitious day, and having the drum beaten that all may know, has celebrated his marriage, who has a wife tender and loving in his own house, who then placed herself under his care ? 7. The enjoyment of the man of unstable mind possessed with delusion, who desires and embraces the wife of his neighbour, while his neighbours reproach him and his rela¬ tions fear and are troubled, is of the nature of that pleasure which is caused by licking a ser¬ pent’s head. 8. Since the desire which arises in the minds of the wise increases not, nor shows itself (by actions), nor extends beyond their own family, the pain which it causes being very grievous, and they, fearing lest by it they should be put to shame before their foes, speak not of it at all. Therefore it dies away of itself in the mind. 9. An arrow, or fire, or the sun with shining beams, though they wound and burn, scorch only the body. But desire,—since it wounds, grieves, and bums the soul,—is much more to be feared than any of these things. 10. If he plunge overhead in the water, a man may escape from the fearful red flames which have sprung up in, and are ravaging a town. But though he plunge in many holy rivers, desire will still be unquenched; yea, though he live like an anchorite on the moun¬ tain top, it will still bum. Chapter 10.—Liberality. 1. To those men the gates of heaven shall never be closed, who with tender hearts and with a mind in accordance with their alms, greatly rejoicing, give even in poverty accord¬ ing to their ability, even as they did in the day of prosperity. 2. Before you is disgusting old age,
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