270 [September, 187*>. THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. to prevent that from affecting them which is ordained to happen. 10. The effect of the act of former births does not fall below nor exceed its due proportion, nor doth it fail to come in its turn, neither does it assist out of season, but when it ought to be there it is. Of w'hat use therefore is sorrow when it afflicts you ? Chapter 12.—Truth. 1. To say he has not that which he does not really possess is no harm to any one. It is the usage of the world. To lie standing or run¬ ning, that the desire (of others) may fail, O thou who hast rows of bracelets ! hath evil more than that of those who have destroyed a good thing done. 2. The excellent and the vile never change their respective natures: though a man should eat sugar it will not taste bitter, and though the gods themselves should eat of the Margosa fruit, it will still taste bitter. 3. In time of prosperity a man's near relations will be as numerous as the stars which sport over the sky. When any one is subjected to intolerable sorrow, 0 lord of the cool mountain ! those who will say “ We are related to him” are few indeed. 4. He who secures the middle one of these three things, virtue, wealth and happiness, which have a hold on men’s minds in this faith¬ less world, shall secure the other two also; whilst he who obtains not the middle one shall be afflicted like the tortoise put into the pot and boiled. 5. If it be the calf of a good cow, the heifer also will fetch a good price. Though they be unlearned, the words of the rich will pass current. Like ploughing when there is little moisture, touching the surface only, the words of the poor will go for nothing. 6. Al¬ though deeply instructed in the knowledge of truth, those who have not accustomed them¬ selves to restraint can never be restrained. Thus, O large-eyed beauty! though the wild gourd be dressed with salt, ghee, milk, curds, and various condiments, its natural bitterness will never be removed. 7. O lord of the shores of the swelling ocean covered with forests, scented by the perfume of the Punnei flowers ! since that which is fated to happen will happen, let per¬ sons never utter reproachful words behind the backs of those who revile them, but only before their faces. 8. Though cows be of different colours, the milk which the cows produce is not of different colours. Like milk, the fruit of virtue is of one nature, though virtue itself take many colours in this world, like the cows. 9. Has any one lived entirely without praise in the world ? Has any one failed through exertion to prosper ? Has any one died without being re¬ proached ? Has any one, even to the end of his life, collected (what he deems) sufficient wealth ? If you inquire, you will not find even one. 10. If they every way consider there is nothing else that goes with them but the actions they have done, there (in the other world) even the body which (here) they cherished and adorned is use¬ less when death takes them away. Chapter 13.—Th e fea r < f m isco ti duct. 1. A burning-ground is the proper place for the bodies of those who, though plunged in the sea of domestic cares, betake not themselves to asceticism as a refuge. The stomach of the possessors of little wisdom is a burning-place for beasts aud birds without number, i. e. he eats them. 2. They should have their legs bound with iron, become slaves to their enemies, and go to the field of gloomy soil, who keep in a cage the partridge or the quail, which live in the woods resounding with the sound of winged insects. 3. He who in a former birth desiring crabs broke off their legs and ate them, when the effect of that sin shall take place, he shall wander about afflicted with leprosy, the palms of his hands excepted; all his fingers like Chank- shell beads will rot away. 4. Even such a thing as ghee when approached by the flame of fire will cause intolerable pain by fierce burning; of many bad actions will they become guilty who, though not crooked, become so, and associate with those who are bad. 5. Friendship with the wise will daily increase in regular gradation, like the crescent moon. Friendship with the base will daily decrease, like the full moon which rides through the sky. 6. Thinking them good thou didst associate with them. If in those with whom thou hast associated there be no good intent towards thee who hast associated with them, O thou who didst associate (with such) ! listen : It is like a man opening a box believing that there is an unguent in it and seeing a snake inside. 7. O lord of the land resplendent with mountains on whose declivities genii abound ! since a man’s actions differ so much from his mind, who is there that is capable of search¬ ing out so as to understand the resources of another’s mind ? 8. O lord of the fair hills over which slowly roll streams that cast up gems !
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