Page:The Indian Antiquary Vol 2.djvu/402

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3G2 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [December, 1873. (Brihaspati) being in Leo, the Lord of lotuses (tlie Sun) being in Libra, in the asterism of Punar- vasu (the 7th), and on Sunday, M artunda- varma, the king of Kerala, desirous of extensive prosperity, fame, and long life, built the Sabhi of Sambhu (Siva) at Suchindram.” 2. “ In the year 654 (fr=4t 3^=5, fr=6) of the Kolamba era, Jupiter being in Taurus, the Sun at the end of Libra, in the asterism of Hasta (the 13th), on Monday on Pratipat (the first day after new or full moon) and in the sign of Virgo (rising), Rumavarma, the crowning gem of the Vanchi sovereigns, con¬ structed the front Mandapam of the moon- crested (Siva) at Suchindram, equalling Kailasa in splendour, and full of the purest qualities.” This Sakabda year 1312 (a.d. 1390-1), given in the first stanza, corresponds with the year 64 of the Kolamba or Kollam era. Hence this inscription is eighty years older than that on the Tirukurangudi bell. This Raja, whose full | title, as given in the Travancore Almanac, is

  • Chera Udaya Martandavarma Kulasekbara,

Perumul,” reigned 62 years, from 1382-83 to 1444-45 a.d. This was not the Martanda- v arm a, who was reigning when his brother Adityavarma put up the bell. The second inscription is later than the first by 90 years, and than the bell inscription by 10 years, its date being 654 Kollam era, or 1478- 79 a.d. This was the last year of the reign of Adityavarma of the Tirukurangudi in¬ scription, and the first of Ravivarma, his successor. But the name given in the inscrip¬ tions is R a m a v a r m a . This discrepancy might be explained—either that Ramavarma never became sovereign, or that the name Ra¬ vivarma or Iravivarma, given in the Almanac, is an error, and ought to have been Ramavar¬ ma. But that in the construction of two differ¬ ent parts of the same pagoda 90 years should intervene is somewhat unaccountable. PUSHPAM1TRA OR PUSHYAMITRA ? BY G. BUHLER, Pn.D. In several letters on the Patanjali contro¬ versy, Professor A. Weber has quoted me as an authority both for the authenticity of the form Pushpamitra and for that of Pushyamitra. I feel it, therefore, incumbent on me to state what I know regarding them, and to explain how I came to waver in my opinion on the subject. On first reading Prof. Weber’s discussion on the name of the king, who probably was a patron of Patanjali’s, I remembered that I had read the form Pupphamitta in Mcrutunga' sVichd- rasreni, or “ Catena of Enquiries.” I mentioned this to Prof. Weber in a letter, without, how¬ ever, being then able to verify my reminiscence by a reference to the original. When I later had an opportunity of re-examining the Vichdrasreni, I found that it contained both the form Puppha¬ mitta and Pusamitta; that the latter occurred in the text of the Prakrit Gathas, on which the Vichdrasreni is a commentary, while the former is used once or twice in the commentary, which is written in Sanskrit, and that, probably, it is nothing but a misspelling for Pushpamitra. On collating two other Theravalis, which also give the Prakrit Gathas in question, I found that both give the form Pusamitta. Kow it seemed to me undeniable that Pusamitta can be the representative of Pushyamitra only, not of Push¬ pamitra. I consequently had to acknowledge the correctness of Professor Weber’s rendering of the commonly misspelt name, which has also been adopted by Professor Wassiliew, in his work on Buddhism. In order to give Sanskritists an opportunity to judge for themselves of the value of these statements, I subjoin the text of the Prakrit Gathas above referred to, according to Meru- tunga, Dharmasagara, and Jayavijayagani. jam rayanim kalagao ariha titthamkaro maha- viro | tarn rayanim avantivai ahisitto palago raya mu* satthi palagaranno panavannasayam tu hoi nan- dana | atthasayam muriyanam tisam chia pusamittas- sa || 2 || f balamittabhanumitta satthi varisani chatta na¬ il avahane l taha gaddabhillarajjam terasa varisa sagassa chau || 3 11 X

  • Var. lcc.—avanivai, Dh., J.; aliisatto, M.; pAlao, Dh., J.

t Var. lcc.—pAlaya, Dh., J.; nandmia, M.; nandAjiam, Dh., J.; tisachchia, M. X Var. lcc.—hhanumittana sathi, M.; nahabAne, Dh., J.