Chitty, Hon’ble Mr, Justice, C. W., Bar at law, Judge, High Court, Calcutta; called to the Bar by the Inner Temple, 1884; Clerk of the Crown, Bombay High Court, 1890; Ag. Chief Judge, Bombay S.C. Court, 1891; Offg. Judge, Chief Court, Lower Burma, 1903; Temp addl. Judge, Chief Court, Punjab, 1905; Judge, High Court, Calcutta, 1907. Address: Calcutta, India.
Choksy, Dr. N. H., Khan Bahadur, M.D., J.P., Chevalier of the Crown of Italy; (1898); b. 1861; educ. Elphinstone and Grant Medical College, Bombay. M.D., 1879: Secretary of the Factory Commission, 1884; in charge of Grant Road Small-pox Hospital, 1838; in charge of plague duty, 1897; Khan Bahadur, 1897; Member of the Medical Society of Munich, 1901; in charge of Mahratta Hospital, 1902; Member of the Medico Physical Academy of Florence, 1903. Publications: Has edited Indian Medico-Chirurgical Review. Address: Bombay, India.
Cholaphru, Chaudhuri; Bohmong of Bandarban; the population of this estate is composed for the most part of the descendants of Arakanese who fled to the hills when their country was overrun in 1874 by the Burmese. These are divided into three sections, the Jhumia Maghs, the Roang Maghs,and the Rajbansi Maghs; the last named have freely intermarried with Bengalis. The Maghs are mostly Buddhists. The area of the estate is 2064 square miles and its population about 45,000. A capitation tax of Rs. 4 per family is imposed here. Of this sum Rs. 2 goes to the chief. Re 1 to the village headman and the remaining Re 1 to Government. Address: Bandarban, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Assam, India.
Cholmeley, Norman Goodford, C.S.I. (1910); I.C.S.; Commissioner of Magwe Division, Burma, since 1902; b. 1863; s. of late Montague Cholmeley, Indian Army; Educ.: Charterhouse; Balliol College, Oxford; Joined I.C.S.. 1883; Deputy Commissioner, 1890; Commissioner, 1903; Recreations: polo, and tennis. Address: Magwe, Burma; Club: East India United Servce.
Chota Nagpore, Bishop of; Rt. Rev. Foss Westcott, b, 1863; s. of Rt. Rev. B. F. Westcott (late Bishop of Durham) and S. L. M. Westcott; Educ.: Cheltenham College; Peterhouse, Cambridge; Ordained deacon, 1886; priest, 1887; Curate of St. Peter’s Church, Bishopwearmouth; joined the S.P.G. Mission, Cawnpore, 1889; Bishop, 1905. Address: Bishop’s Lodge, Ranchi, India.
Chowdhri, Ashutosh (see Ashutosh Chowdhri).
Chowdhri, Hon’ble Nawab Syed Husain Haider; Member, Legislative Council, Bengal.
Christison, Sir Alexander, M.D., 2nd Bt.; 1871; I.M.S. (retired); b. 1828; S. father, 1882; Educ.: Edin. University; Served in 2nd Burmese War and Indian Mutiny. Heir: s. Major Robert Alexander, R.G.A. (militia); retired; b. 1870. Address: 40, Moray Place, Edinburgh.
Christopher, Maj.-Gen. Leonard William, C.B.: b. 1848; e.s. of Maj.-Gen. L. R. Christopher; entered 75th Regt. (present 1st Gordon Highlanders), 1867; Col, Bengal Staff Corps, 1897; Maj.-Gen., 1902; served Afghan War, 1878-80; Egyptian Expedition, 1882; Tirah Expedition, 1897-98; Director-General of Supply and Transport, India, 1900-05; retired,