Recreations: from 1880-94 collected Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Hebrew MSS. for the British Museum, vol. iv. of the Persian Catalogue of MSS. being almost entirely devoted to the Churchill MSS; under the late Gen. Sir R. M. Smith, R.E., K.C.M.G. collected art objects for the South Kensington Museum in Persia; is now engaged on researches for a history of gold and silver work in Italy, and especially the two Sicilies. Address: British Consulate Naples T.A.; Palazzo Capomazza, Arco Mirelli, Naples.
Clark, William Henry, C.M.G. 1903; Member for Commerce and Industry, India, since 1910; b. 1876; s. of J. W. Clark, Scroope House, Cambridge; Educ.: Eton; Trinity College, Cambridge; Clerk, Board of Trade, 1899; Secretary to Special Mission to Shanghai to negotiate a Commercial Treaty with China, 1901; acting 2nd Secretary in Diplomatic Service, 1902: secretary to Royal Commission on Supply of food, etc., in time of War, 1903-5; Private Secretary at Board of Trade to Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P., and to Rt.Hon. W. S. Churchil, M.P., 1907; to Rt.Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P., as Chancellor of Exchequer, 1908-10. Address: Calcutta. Clubs: United University, Union.
Clark, Sir William Ovens, Kt., 1903; Chief Judge, Chief Court, Punjab; b. 1849; s. of late James Jackson Clark, D.L. of Largantogher, Londonderry; m. 1885, Florence Emily, d. of Robert Lawrie; two s. one d. Educ.;: Portora School, Enniskillen; Trin. Coll. Dublin; Appointed to Indian Civil Service, 1869; called to Bar, 1881; Successively Deputy Commissioner, and Divisional Judge in the Punjab; Chief Judge, Chief Court, Punjab since 1898, Address: Lahore, Punjab. Club: East India United Service.
Clarke, Edward Henry Scamander, C.I.E. (1908); Government of India, Political Department; b, 1856; s. of late S. H. Clarke of Blackheath; Educ.: at Cambridg- House School, Blackheath; entereed service, 1878; Extra Assistant Commissioner, Punjab, 1880; Personal Assistant to Chief Political officer, Kabul, 1880; Afghan Boundary Commission, Herat, 1884-86; Special Duty, St. Petersburg, 1887; Member of Durand Mission to Kabul, 1893; entered Indian Political Dept, 1894; served as Assistant, Under, and Deputy Secretary, Foreign Department, Govt. of India, 1891-1908; Address: Calcutta, India.
Clarke, Ven. Frederick James; Archdeacon of Lucknow since 1908; b. 1858; s. of James Sherwin Clarke of Westhill, Derby; Educ: Clifton College; St. Bees Theological College; Ordained, 1882; Chaplain, Bengal Eccleciastical Establishment, 1890; Canon of All Saints Cathedral, Allahabad, 1906. Address: The Parsonage, Naini Tal, India.
Clarke, William Edward Thompson, B.A. (Bar-at-law), retired Chief Presidency Magistrate, Madras; b. 1847; joined service as Sub. Judge, 1882; seconded in the new organisation, 1884: 1st grade, 1888; Ag Chief Presidency Magistrate, Madras, 1893; reverted, 1895; again acting Chief Presidency Magistrate, 1896; Confirmed, 1904; retired, 1907. Address: c/o India Office, London.
Clayton, H.; B.A., I.C.S., Director of Agriculture, Burma; since 1913. educ, Marlborough and Pembroke Coll.; Cambridge; joined