1913. Publication: Buddhism: Primitive and Present, etc. Address: c/o. Indian Office, London.
Coppel, Rt. Rev. Francis Stephen, R.C, (see Nagpur, Bishop of.)
Corbet, Frederick Hugh Mackenzie; Barrister-at-Law; Advocate-General, Madras, since 21st October. 1912; b. Barcelona, 1862; 2nd s. of Reginald John Corbet, J.P., M.L.C, Ceylon; m. Eila, e.d. of Sir George, W. R. Campbell, K.C.M.G.; Educ.: privately; paid special attention to Law and modern languages; was granted Letters Patent of Venia Ætatis, 1879; Private Secretary to Hon. Mr. Justice Lawrie, 1885, 1886, and 1888, Librarian, Colombo Museum, 1886-93; Secretary, Central Irrigation Board, Ceylon, 1890-91; resigned salaried Government employment (services acknowledged by Secretary of State for the Colonies), 1893; Hon. Executive Officer and Home Agent, Government of Ceylon, at the Imperial Institute, 1893-1901; Hony. Secretary, Ceylon General Committee for Paris Exposition, 1889; Member of Council, and successively Hony. Sec. and Hon. Treas. of Ceylon Cranch, Royal Asiatic Society, 1887-93; Delegate to International Congress of Orientalists, London, 1891; called to Bar. (Gray’s In.) 1897; Chairman and Director of several South African and other Companies; Member of Committee of several Societies; President, Hardwicke Society, 1902-03; Secretary, Royal Commission on the Church of England and other Religious Bodies in Wales and won Monmouthshire, 1909-1912. Jubilee Gold Medal of Ceylon, 1897. Publications: various official Reports, etc.; Introduction to Ceylon portion of The Golden Book of India, 1900; The Laws of the Empire, 1901. Address: College Bridge House, Commander-in Chief’s Road, Egmore, Madras, S.C.
Cory, Ven. Charles Page, Archdeacon of Rangoon since 1907. Educ.: St. John’s College, Cambridge (M.A.). Ordained 1883; Curate of Cexley, 1884; Vice Principal St. Paul’s College, Madagascar, 1884 90; Curate of Ledbergh, 1890-91; Chaplain Rangoon Catonments, 1892-95; Thatyetmyo, 1895-99: Incumbent of Port Blair, 1901-3; Chaplain of Rangoon Cathedral, 1903-4; Rangoon Cantonments, 1904-5; Acting Archdeacon and Commissary, 1906-7: Maymyo, 1906-9. Address: Maymyo, Burma.
Coterill, Cecil Bernard, B.A., I.C.S.; Private Secretary to H.E. the Governor of Madras; educ: Caliol College, Oxford: Joined Service as Assisstant Collector, Vizagapatam, 1899; Deputy Commissioner, Salt and Abkari Rev. Madras, 1905; Secry. to Board of Revenue, Separate Revenue, 1907; appointed Private Secretary to H.E. the Governer, 1912. Address: Government House, Madras, and Ootacamend.
Cotes, Everard, M.A.; b. Newington Rectory, Oxfordshire, 1862; s. of, Rev. S. Cotes; m. Sara Jeannette Duncan; Educ.: Clifton; Paris; Oxford; Assistant and Deputy Superintendent, Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1884-94; sometime Lecturer at the Government of India Forest School, Dehra Dun; Editor, The Indian Daily News, Calcutta, 1895-97: Press Correspondent with the Government of India, 1897; Managing Director, Associated Press of India. Publi-