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Mary at Hill, London, m. 1st, 1868, Charlotte Frances, d. of W. W. T. Baldwin, Stede Hill, Kent; 2nd. 1877, Mary, d. of S. Harves James, St. Just, Cornwall; Educ.: Merchant Taylors’ School; Brasenose College, Oxford; called to Bar (Middle Temple), 1868: Entered Indian Civil Service, 1863; was Judicial Commissioner of Burmah and of Central Provinces, 18S5; Additional Member Imperial Legislative Council, 1889: Agent to the Gov. Gen. for Central India, 1891-1895; Agent to the Gov.-Gen. in Rajputana, 1895-1898; m. 1st 1868 Charlotta Francis; 2nd 1877 Mary d. of s. H. James, of St. Just, Cornwall. Address: Lakenham, Northam, N. Devon.

Crowe, William Henry, retired Judge, Bombay High Court; b. 1844; s. of late Edward F. Crowe of Ravenscourt Park, Hammersmith; m. Violet Mary, 5th d. of late Col. Charles Caldwell Grantham; Educ.: Godolphin School, Hammersmith; King’s Coll. London; Fellow of the Bombay University. Entered the Indian Civil Service, 1867; Judge and Sessions Judge of Poona and Agent for the Sardars in the Deccan, 1881; Member, Legislative Council, Bombay, 1893 and 1896; Judicial Commissioner and Judge of the Sadar Court in Sind, 1894; Judge, High Court, Bombay, 1899-1904. Address: 99 Sloan Street, S.W.; Clubs: East India United Service, Ranelagh, Royal Automobile.

Cruickshank, Sir William Dikson Kt., (1906), C.I.E. (1903) Secretary, Bank of Bengal since 1887; b. 1845; s. of late John Cruickshank of Forres, N.B.; m. 1874, Julia Emma, d. of W. S. Millard of Calcutta; educ; Rafford School; entered Bank of Bengal, 1866; Inspector of Branches, 1868; Agent at Rangoon, 1869; Deputy Secretary, 1876; Secretary and Treasurer 1887; an authority on Indian banking and currency questions. Address: Calcutta, India.

Cruickshank, Alexander Walmsley, C.S.I. (1898), I.C.S. (retired); b. 1851; y.s. of late Major John James Farquharson Cruickshank; m. 1881, Fanny Nina, d. of late Claremont Daniel. Educ: Wimbledon School, Passed 4th into Woolwich, but entered I.C.S. 1872; Barr. Middle Temple, 1883; Junior Secretary to Board of Revenue, N.W. Provinces. 1878; Under-Secy. to Governnent, 1886; Settlement Officer, 1886; Deputy Commissioner, 1890: Magistrate and Collector, 1891; Commissioner, Allahabad Division, 1897; Commissioner of Rohilkhand Division, 1897; on special duty, 1897; reverted as Commr. Rohilkhand Division. 1898 commanded Rohilkhand Vol. Rifle Corps, 1898-1903; additional member Imperial Legislative Council, 1902: member of Council, United Provinces, 1903; 3rd member, Board of Revenue, United Provinces, 1905; Commissioner of Rohilkhand Division, 1898-1908. retired, 1908. Publications: Settlement Report of Gorakpur District, U.P. Address: c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., London. Clubs: East India United Service, Oriental.

Crump, Henry Ashbrook, B.A., I.C.S., Financial Commissioner, C.P.; educ; at Balliol Coll, Oxford; joined service, 1885; Rose to the position of Chief Secretary, 1901: Offg. Chief Commissioner, 1907; Financial Com-