Silver Cross of that Order; founded the study of Pali in Europe, and is Kumaras the “Father of Pali study”. Publications: Dhammapadani, 1855; the Suttanipata, 1-2, 1885-94; the Jataka, 1-7, 1877 97; and An Indian Mythology according to the Mahabharata, 1902.
Fazubhoy, Visram; See Visram, Fazulbhoy.
Fawcett, Frederick, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Madras (retired); b. 1853; joined service as Inspector of Police, 1878; Assistant Supdt, of Police, 1879; Special Assistant Supdt. 1880; on special duty for prosecuting an Inspector in Rajahmundry, from 28th October to 22nd December 1880; in charge of the Offiice of Superintendent, Kistna, 1883; Assistant Superintendent 1st grade (re-organisation), 1892; Superintendent of Police 1893; Superintendent of Police, and Assistant with the Government of Madras, 1899; Superintendent, Railway Police, Madras, 1899; on special duty as Member of Police Commission, from 1st August 1902; Acting Deputy Inspector General of Police, 1903; again on special duty under the General Superintendent, Thagiand Dacoity, 1908-05; confirmed as Deputy Inspector-General of Police, 1905; retired, 1912. Publications: articles in the journal of the Anthropological Institute; Man; Notes on some of the people of Malabar; Nayars of Malabar (included in Madras Govt. Museum Bulletins, vol. III Nos. 1 and 3). Address: c/o India Office, London.
Fell, Godfrey Butler Hunter, C.I.E. (1909), Secretary to Government of Burma; b. 1872; educ: Eton; and Magdalen College, Oxford; joined service in Burma 1894; Assistant Commissioner, 1895; Personal Assistant to Chief Commissioner, 1897; Private Secretary to Lieutenant Governor, the same year; Under Secretary to Government, 1899; again Private Secretary to Lieutenant-Governor, 1903; Deputy Secretary, Government of India (Home Deptt), 1906-09; m. Janet Comilla, o.d. of General Sir D. McLeod; Secretary to Government of Burma, since 1910. Address: Pegu, Rangoon, Burma, cluds: East India United Service, Leandor.
Fenn, Col Ernest Harrold. C.I.E. (1894), Royal Army Medical Corps, (retired), s. of T.H. Fenn of Nayland, Colchester; b. 1850; educ; Sherborne School; Joined Army Medical Corps, 1875; served in Afghan War, 1879-80; accompanied Lord Roberts to Kandahar; present at battle of Kandahar (despatches, medal and clasp, bronze star); joined Granadier Guards, 1881; Soudan Compaign, 1885; accompanied Sir Mortimer Darand to Cabul, 1893; Was on the Staff of Lord Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General, India, 1881-94; was on the Staff of Lord Curzon, India, 1898-1903 (Durbar medal); retired, 1907. Address: c/o India Office, London. Club: Naval and Military.
Fenton, Hon’ble Mr. Michael William, C.S.I. K.C.S.I. (1914), B.A., I.C.S.; Financial Commissioner, Punjab, since 1901: educ: Royal School, Armagh and Trinity College, Dublin; joined Service, 1883 as Assistant Commissioner; Under Secretary to Government, 1887; Senior Sec. to Financial Commissioner. 1892; Rev. Sec, 1896; Deputy Commissioner, 1899;