Findlay, Surg.-Maj. John, M.B.C.M., C.I.E. (1889); b. 1851; educ.; Edinburgh University; joined Army Medical Staff, 1875; served in Afghan War and Burma Campaign; was on the staff of Governor of Bombay, 1881-85; on the Staff of the Viceroy of India, 1885-89, retired, 1890; Recreations: shooting, golf. Address: c/o India Office, London. Club: Junior United Service.
Finlay, James Fairbairn, M.A., C.S.I. (1896); I.C S. (Retd.) 1903; Member of Council of India; b. 1852; m. 1885, Mary Lavinia Perreau, d. of Col. Perreau, educ.: Edinburgh Academy and University; entered I.C.S, 1875; came out to India, 1875; served chiefly in the Finance Department as Under Secretary to the Government of India; Accountant General, Bengal and in the N.W.P.; Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, 1889; Secretary, 1891-1903; Officiating Member of the Supreme Council, 1902; Retd. May 1903. Address: Alverstoke, Guildford.
Finn, Frank, B.A., Hon. F.Z.S.; b. Maidstone, 1868; e.s. of late F. Finn; educ; Maidstone Grammar School; Brasenose College, Oxford; served in the Collecting Expedition to East Africa, 1892; First Assistant Superintendent, Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1894; Deputy-Superintendent, 1895-1903; Editor, Avicultural Magazine. 1909. Publications: Fancy Waterfowl; Birds of Calcutta; Indian Ducks; Indian Waders; Ornithological and Other Oddities; and many scientific papers, chiefly in the Journal of Asiatic Society. Address: Grindlay and Co., 54, Parliament Street, S.W.
Finney, Stephen, C.I.E.; Member, Indian Railway Board; s. of J. D. Finney of Old Charlton, Kent; b. 1852; educ; Clifton; Cooper’s Hill; joined service in P.W.D., 1874; Assisstant Engineer, 1874; Assisstant Manager, North Bengal State Ry., 1881; Dy. Manager, E. Bengal State Ry., 1889, Manager, 1892-99; North-Western Railway, India, 1899-1907. Publications: a series of lectures on Railway Construction and Working in Bengal. Club: United Service, Simla.
Finnimore, Hon’ble Benjamin Kington, A.M.I.C.E., Chairman, Improvement Trust, Calcutta; joined service as Assistant Engineer, 1881; Under Secretary to Government (Railway Branch), 1902; Superintending Engineer, 1905; Chief Engineer, 1911; Chairman, Calcutta Improvement Trust Board, in addition to his duties 1918; has obtained Tibet War Medal. 1904. Address: Calcutta, India.
Firminger, Ven’ble the Archdeacon, Walter K., M. A., F.R.G.S.; Chaplain, H.M’s Indian Establishment, Bengal; b. 1870,; y.s. of late Rev. T. A. C. Firminger; educ: Lancing and Bury St. Edmunds; Merton Coll, Oxford; Ordained deacon at Hereford, 1893; Priest in Mombasa, 1895; Subdean of Zanzibar, 1896; Editor, Indian Churchman, 1900-5; Publications: The Attitude of the Church of England to Non-Episcopal Ordinations; various essays on Zanzibar and Kashmir in British Empire Series; Guide to Calcutta; History of Free Masonry in Bengal; Editor of Bengal, Past and Present; Original Letters of Mrs. Pay from India; Genuine Letters of Asiaticus; Diaries of the Three Surgeons of Patna; Narratives of a Gentle-