Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/374

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was Accountant-General, 1899; became Deputy Comptroller General, 1905; Accountant-General successively of the Punjab, 1908; Madras, 1910; Burma; and also of Bengal, 1914. Address: Calcutta, India.

Prithiraj Singh, Maharaj, Patna; belongs to Chubau clan of Rajputs; succeeded to estate, 1910; area of the estate, 2,399 sq. miles; population, 3 lakhs. Address: Patna, Sambalpur District, Bengal Presidency, India.

Priyanath Mukharji, Hon’ble, Rai Bahadur; official Member, Legislative Council. Bengal, since 15th January 1913. Address: Calcutta, India.

Probyn, Sir Lesley Charles, K.C.V.O., (1906), Member of Council of H.R H. Prince of Wales since 1910; s. of late Captain George Probyn, b. London, 1834; educ: Finchley; and Haileybury; joined I.C.S., 1854; m. Victoria Charlotte Isabella, d. of J. J. Kinlock of Kair, 1852; Director, G.N.R. since 1883; Auditor, Duchy of Cornwall, 1891; Member of the Council of Prince of Wales, 1897-1901; and again in 1910; served in the Indian Mutiny and won a medal; Accountant-General, Punjab.for 10 years and was Commandant of First Punjab Volunteer Rifle Corps for five years; special Commission to British Guiana. 1879; joined the Directorate of G.N. Railway, 1883. Publication: Articles published in the Journals of the Institute of Bankers of the Royal Statistical Society, the East India Association, on Financial questions. Address: 79, Onslow Square, S.W. Club: East India United Service.

Puckle, Richard Kaye, C.I.E. (1879); M.C.S. (retired); b. 1830; educ: Tonbridge School and Hailybury College; joined Madras Civil Service, 1851; Deputy Director, Revenue Settlement, 1859; Collector and Magistrate, Tinnevelly, 1866; Director of Revenue Settlement, 1874; employed in famine districts, 1877; Member, Board of Revenue, 1879; engaged for 22 years in preparing data for reassessment of lands and for the revision of Government establishment in the ryotwari villages in Madras; retired, 1881. Publications: Hand book on revenue matters and the duties of Village Officers Address: 123, Oakwood Court, Kingston.

Pulford, Colonel Richard Russal, R.E., C.I.E. (1897), P.W.D. Officer (retired); b. 1845; entered the R.E. 1866; became Colonel, 1895; joined Indian establishment, 1870; Assistant Principal, Thomassen Engineering College, Rurki, 1870; Assistant Engineer, 1873; Executive Engi neer, 1874, served in the Afghan War, 1878-80; Superintending Engineer, 1872; Officiating Chief Engineer, U.P., 1894; Secretary to Government, U.P., 1834; transferred to Rajputana, 1896; Chief Engineer, P.W.D., India, 1899-1901; retired, 1900. Address: c/o India Office, London.

Puttanna Chetty, K., 1st. Councillor, Mysore, (retired); b. 1854; joined service in the Executive Engineer’s Office, Water Supply Division, Bangalore, 1874; worked in the clerical ranks of the Consulting Engineer’s Office, Mysore State Railway, 1871; became Assistant Traffic Superintendent and Traffic Superinten-