Page:The Indian Medical Gazette1904.pdf/244

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June, 1904 |



bent and skin of legs furfuraceous. He had two injections, which were followed by return of sensation and clearing up of the furfuraceous patches on the legs and, to some extent, dis- appearance of the nodules.

17. Shwe Gno, Burman, had nodules and loss of sensation in the ears, and elevated thick patches on the legs, arm, abdomen and face, after three injections sensation returned in the ears, and the nodules became very much smaller, and the patches on the front of the abdomen vanished.

18, Tha Noo, Burman, had nodules and loss of sensation in the eyebrows, lips, ears and cheeks, and aneesthetic raised, tubercular patches on the legs and back, enlarged glands in the groins and ulcers on the arms and legs. He had three injec- tions ; the ulcers healed, the glands subsided, the anzsthesia vanished, the nodules became very much smaller and the patches disappeared, and he showed on the whole very remarkable im- provement.

19. Po Kya, Burman, had tubercular patches on the face, ears, forehead, nose and -lips, tuber- cular anesthetic patches on the arms, and ulcers on the arms and legs. After one injection these symptoms gradually became less evident, the sensation returning, and the tubercles becoming amaller.

20. Nga Hein, Burman, had anesthetic patches on the feet, hands, legs and trunk, thickened patches on the nose, ears, and body. After one injection the sensation returned in the solea of the feet, the tubercles became smaller and the pains ceased.

21. Tan Gyaung, Burman, had numerous angesthetic patches all over the body and tuber- culated ears, face and nipples, and swollen fingers and toes. After one injection the sensation slightly returned in some patches.

22, Pan Myoe had tubercles on the face, ears, lips and chin, thickening of the fingers and toes, and angesthesia of the thighs and legs and ul- ceration of the right elbow. After one injection he showed no signs of improvement and refused a second injection.

28. Nga Bwin, Burman, had thick anesthetic patches on the face, forehead and ears, and swollen furfuraceous feet. After one injection he showed no signs of improvement, and refused @ second injection.

24. Swe Kyu, Burman, had anesthetic tubercles on the forehead, lips, cheeks and nose, and furfuraceous patches on the legs, and thick fingersand toes. After one injection he showed no signs of improvement and refused a second injection. Of the other cases injected, five have only just been injected and shown the character- istic reaction, and three have escaped my notice.

Out of the 24 cases above recorded, in four there was no improvement, but in no case was the disease enhanced.

Cases 1 and2 have apparently been almost cured, there remaining hardly any sign of the

original disease; cases 9 and 21 were only very slightly improved, but were only injected once and twice respectively, while those four cases which showed no sign of improvement were also injected only once or twice.

In looking through the notes of the cases, I find thatin those cases where the reaction after the injection was severe, there was a great improvement in their condition, and in those cases where there wasonly a slight or no reac- tion the improvement was slight or nil.

Four of the above cases were treated at the General Hospital; sixteen were under the kind supervision of Captain Fenton, 1Ms., at the Rangoon Central Jail, and the rest were treated at the Kemmendine Leper Asylum, through the kind permission of Father Frenney.

The cases treated at the jail did not have the salt treatment, while all the other cases had salt internally and application of salt ointment.

The application of the salt ointment appears to be efficacious to the sore or patches when they become inflamed after the injection of the Leprolin.

Case 3 healed up in a marvellous manner, the skin becoming perfectly smooth. The reaction symptoms are not due to the glycerine, as the pure Leprolin without the glycerine produces a powerful reaction.

Sufficient time has not yet elapsed to be able to state that this method of treatment of leprosy is a radical one, but it would appear certain that the Leprolin has a very marked beneficial action in the disease, which is not accompanied by any danger of aggravating the disease. The above cited cases will be injected again and again until all signs of the disease have vanished, and from what I have seen up to date, and from the marked improvement in some of the cases, I think that this may be confidently expected.*


Capt., I.M.S.,

Civil Surgeon, Bijapur.

Tue following notes may perhaps be of interest as showing the results of the treatment of mos- quito-breeding grounds in a locality where these are comparatively favourably situated for obli- teration or regular inspection. It is necessary to remark that no systematic examination of the

  • Since the above went to press, we have heard from Capt.

Rost that ‘‘ All the Jail Cases have very much improved. Nea Bwin, No. 23, has improved, the sensation returning and the furfuraceous appearance of the skin disappearing. An- other has also improved, the sensation returning and the pat- ches assuming a natural appearance. Swe Kyu _ has slightly improved. ree more cases at the General, Hospital have been injected lately and have now shown signs, of marke improvement, The total number/of now-forty.”—

Ep., 7. M. @