Page:The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.pdf/278

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The author arrives at Martinico — Meets with new difficulties — Gets to Montserrat, where he takes leave of his old master, and sails for England — Meets Capt. Pascal — Learns the French horn — Hires himself with Doctor Irving, where he learns to freshen sea water — Leaves the Doctor and goes a voyage to Turkey and Portugal; & afterwards goes a voyage to Grenada, and another to Jamaica — Returns to the Doctor, and they embark together on a voyage to the North Pole, with the Hon. Capt. Phipps — Some account of that voyage, and the dangers the author was in — He returns to England.

I thus took a final leave of Georgia; for the treatment I had received in it disgusted me very much against the place; and when I left it and sailed for Martinico, I determined never more to revisit it. My new captain conducted his vessel safer than my former one; and, after an agreeable voyage, we got safe to our intended port. While I was on this island I
