Page:The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.pdf/285

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them at May's hill, Greenwich. They were most agreeably surprised to see me, and I was quite overjoyed at meeting with them. I told them my history, at which they expressed great wonder, and freely acknowledged it did their cousin, Capt. Pascal, no honour. He then visited there frequently; and I met him. four or five days after, in Greenwich park. When he saw me, he appeared a good deal surprised, and asked me how I came back? I answered, 'In a ship.' To which he replied dryly, 'I suppose you did not walk back to London on the water.' As I saw, by his manner, that he did not seem to be sorry for his behaviour to me, and that I had not much reason to expect any favour from him, I told him that he had used me very ill, after I had been such a faithful servant to him for so many years; on which, without saying any more, he turned about and went away. A few days after this I met Capt. Pascal at Miss Guerin's house, and asked him for my prize-money. He said there was none due to me; for if my prize-money had been 10,000l. he had a right to it all. I told him I was informed otherwise: on which he bade me defiance, and, in a bantering tone, desired me to commence a law-suit against him for it: 'There are lawyers enough,' said he,

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