Page:The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African.pdf/291

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of a lamb to weigh from eleven to thirteen pounds. The fat of them is very white and rich, and is excellent for puddings, for which it is much used. Our ship being at length richly loaded with fish and other articles, we sailed for England.

In May 1769, soon after our return from Turkey, our ship made a delightful voyage to Oporto, in Portugal, where we arrived at the time of the carnival. On our arrival, there were sent on board of us thirty-six articles to observe, with very heavy penalties if we should break any of them; and none of us even dared to go on board any other vessel, or on shore, till the Inquisition had sent on board and searched for every thing illegal, especially bibles. All we had were produced, and certain other things were sent on shore till the ships were going away; and any person, in whose custody a bible was found concealed, was to be imprisoned and flogged, and sent into slavery for ten years. I saw here many very magnificent sights, particularly the garden of Eden, where many of the clergy and laity went in procession in their several orders with the host, and sung Te Deum. I had a great curiosity to go into some of their churches, but could not gain admittance without using the necessary sprinkling of holy water at my entrance. From curiosity, and

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