Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/90

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Article 63.

The judicial power of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann shall be exercised and justice administered in the public Courts established by Parliament/Oireachtas by judges appointed in manner hereinafter provided. These Courts shall comprise Courts of First Instance and a Court of Final Appeal to be called the Supreme Court (Cuirt Uachtarach). The Courts of First Instance shall include a High Court (Ard Chuirt), invested with full original jurisdiction in and power to determine all matters and questions whether of law or fact, civil or criminal, and also Courts of local and limited jurisdiction with a right of appeal as determined by law.

Article 64.

The judicial power of the High Court shall extend to the question of the validity of any law having regard to the provisions of the Constitution. In all cases in which such matters shall come into question, the High Court alone shall exercise original jurisdiction.

Article 65.

The Supreme Court of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann shall, with such exceptions (not including cases which involve questions as to the validity of any law) find subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law, have appellate jurisdic-