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Page:The Irish Emigrants Guide.djvu/26

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so far as practicable, to divest the emigrant of romantic or extravagant notions so often excited, and to present stern realities. He must be prepared (unless furnished with abundance of that lever of inconveniencies, money), to encounter many privations on ship-board, impositions from the moment he leaves home to the moment of his arrivrl at his destined location, anxiety of mind, physical exposure, and a total change of position in a new country. The success or disappointment that awaits his efforts there, may be the result of unforeseen casualties, but are for the most part dependent on his own conduct. The case of sickness on arrival, and consequent detention under expenses of not only one but perhaps many members of a family, might be adduced as one of many instances that frequently occur. But

his receiving his allotment, if he so desire it, without any reference to any political party.


1st. At the first monthly meeting, which will be held on New Year's Day, Wednesday, 1st January, 1851, at the Provisional Committee Rooms, the Shareholders shall elect three Trustees, in whose names all the funds of the Society shall be vested and placed in Bank, according as they are collected, pending the purchase of any Estate.

2nd. The Shareholders shall in like manner elect Nine persons to act as Managing Directors, for one year from the period of their election, Five of such persons to form a quorum.

3rd. The Shareholders shall in like manner appoint a permanent Secretary, a Chief Surveyor, Solicitor, and Counsel, to manage the affairs of the Society, under the control of the Board of Directors.

4th. In like manner to select the Bankers of the Society.

5th. At such Monthly Meeting to receive the Rules prepared pursuant to the above Act of 6th and 7th of Wm. IV„ cap. 32, and certified by the Barrister appointed by the Crown for certifying the Rules of Friendly Societies.

Applications for Shares and Provincial agencies, to be addressed to, PATRICK BROPHY, Secretary, pro tem, to the Provisional Committee, 38 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.