Selections from Cassell ^ Company's Publications.
Jllustratcii, Jine-^rt, anb otljer Volumes.
Art, The Magazine of. Yearly Vol. With 500 choice Engravings. i6s. After London ; or, Wild England. By Richaku Jeffekies. 3s. 6d. Along Alaska's Great River. By F. Schwatka. Illustrated, izs. 6d. Appreciation of Gold. 6d. Artist, Education of the. By E. Chesneai;. Translated by Clara
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too IlluNtrations Three Vols., 410, £1 7s. ; Library Edition, £1 los. British Battles, Recent. Illustrated. 4to, gs. ; Library Edition, los. Browning, An Introduction to the Study of. By A. Svmons. 2s. 6d. British Empire, The. By Sir George Campbell, M.P. 3s. Butterflies and Moths, European. By W. F. Kirby. With 61
Culoured Plates. Demy 4to, 35s. Canaries and Cage-Birds, The Illustrated Book of. By W. A.
Blakston, W. Swavsland, and A. F. Wiener. With 56 Fac-simile
Coloured Plates, 35s. Half-morocco, £2 5s. Cannibals and Convicts. By Julian Thomas ("The Vagabond").
los. 6d. Cassell's Family Magazine. Yearly Vol. Illustrated, gs. Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. Illustrated. 21s. Celebrities of the Century : being a Dictionary of Men and
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by his Son, Ek.xest W. Longfellow. Small 410, cloth, 6s. Choice Dishes at Small Cost. By A. G. Payne, is. Christmas in the Olden Time. By Sir Walter Scott, with chaira-
ing Original Illustrations. 7s. 6d. Cities of the World : their Origin, Progress, and Present Aspect. Three
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Offices. IS. Clinical Manuals for Practitioners and Students of Medicine. A
List of Volumes forwarded post free on application to the Publishers. Clothing, ThL' Influence of, on Health. By F.Treves, F.R C.S. 2s. Colonies and India, Our, How we Got Them, and Why we Keep
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Irving. Three Vols. 7s. 6d. Cookery, Cassell's Dictionary of. Containing about Nine Thousand
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Complete in Six Vols., with about 750 Illustrations, ^to, 7s. 6d. each. Cromwell, Oliver: The Man and his INIission. By J. Allanson Picton,
M.P. Cloth, 7s. 6d. ; morocco, cloth sides, gs. Cyclopaedia, Cassell's Concise. With 12,000 subjects, brought down
to the latest date. With about 600 Ill-,^str.itions, 15s. ; Roxburgh, l8s.
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