Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/20

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The Jew of Malta.

I hope our credit in the Custome-house
Will serve as well as I were present there.
Goe send 'um threescore Camels, thirty Mules,
And twenty Waggons to bring up the ware.
But art thou master in a ship of mine,
And is thy credit not enough for that?

The very Custome barely comes to more
Then many Merchants of the Towne are worth,
And therefore farre exceeds my credit, Sir.

Goe tell 'em the Jew of Malta sent thee, man.
Tush, who amongst 'em knowes not Barrabas?

I goe.

So then, there's somewhat come.
Sirra, which of my ships art thou Master off?

Of the Speranza, Sir.

And saw'st thou not mine Argosie at Alexandria?
Thou couldst not come from Egypt, or by Caire
But at the entry there into the sea,
Where Nilus payes his tribute to the maine,
Thou needs must saile by Alexandria.

I neither saw them, nor inquir'd of them.
But this we heard some of our sea-men say,
They wondred how you durst with so much wealth
Trust such a crazed Vessell, and so farre.

Tush; they are wise, I know her and her strength:
By goe, goe thou thy wayes, discharge thy Ship,
And bid my Factor bring his loading in.
And yet I wonder at this Argosie,

Enter a second Merchant.

2. Merch.
Thine Argosie from Alexandria,
Know Barabas doth ride in Malta Rhode.
Laden with riches, and exceeding store
Of Persian silkes, of gold, and Orient Perle.

How chance you came not with those other ships
That sail'd by Egypt?

2 Merch.
Sir we saw 'em not.

Belike they coasted round by Candie shoare
