Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/26

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The Jew of Malta.

And will you basely thus submit your selves
To leave your goods to their arbitrament?

Why Barabas wilt thou be christned?

No, Governour, I will be no convertite.

Then pay thy halfe.

Why know you what you did by this device?
Halfe of my substance is a Cities wealth.
Governour, it was not got so easily;
Nor will I part so slightly therewithall.

Sir, halfe is the penalty of our decree,
Either pay that, or we will seize on all.

Corpo di deo; stay, you shall have halfe,
Let me be us'd but as my brethren are.

No, Jew, thou hast denied the Articles,
And now it cannot be recall'd.

Will you then steale my goods?
Is theft the ground of your Religion?

No, Jew, we take particularly thine
To save the ruine of a multitude:
And better one want for a common good,
Then many perish for a private man:
Yet Barrabas we will not banish thee,
But here in Malta, where thou gotst thy wealth,
Live still; and if thou canst, get more.

Christians; what, or how can I multiply?
Of nought is nothing made.

1 Knight.
From nought at first thou canst to little welth,
From little unto more, from more to most:
If your first curse fall heavy on thy head,
And make thee poore and scorn'd of all the world,
'Tis not our fault, but thy inherent sinne.

What? bring you Scripture to confirm your wronge?
Preach me not out of my possessions.
Some Jewes are wicked, as all Christians are:
But say the Tribe that I descended of
Were all in generall cast away for sinne,
Shall I be tryed by their transgression?
